Italprogetti Spa was born in 1977 in the leather industrial district of Santa Croce sull’Arno (PI) – Italy. It is an engineering and manufacturing company and since the beginning it was oriented to continuous research of process innovation and new technologies for environmental protection.
The contiguous leather tanning district of Santa Croce sull’Arno has been fundamental to the story of the company because, being in the hearth of one of the most active and advanced Italian industrial district, pushed the company to develop and invest in its own manufacturing capabilities and technological knowledge both in leather processing and environmental protection, specially solid waste and wastewater treatment.
Today, about 160 people are employed, including engineers, technicians, workers and administrative staff. Since the beginning, the marketing and sales activities were oriented on international markets and nowadays, there are plants supplied by ITALPROGETTI which are working in more than 80 countries in the world.
The product range is based on several lines of production: PPH drums, chemicals dosing plants for tanneries, automation system for tanneries, industrial wastewater treatment plants (mainly in tannery, papermill and textile sector), solid waste treatment by anaerobic process and gas/odour treatment. A particular attention has been always given to the manufacturing units, through the years continuously expanded, improved and equipped with the most modern machines for mechanical production.
The production is completely made in Italy, and the productive structure is organized in three separate factories:
- The main factory (where the headquarter and technical offices are also placed) includes the equipment assembling, warehouse, and the electric/electronical workshop.
- The mechanical workshop equipped with latest generation machines for steel processing, including laser cut machine, automated welding machines, numerical control machines.
- Polypropylene workshop with a several lines of automatic machines for cutting, welding and assembly of equipment in polypropylene
Italprogetti is strongly committed to innovation. The main R&D interests are focused on i) development of processes and technologies to valorise tannery solid waste through mass/energy recovery strategies ii) application of membrane processes for zero liquid discharge (ZLD) in industrial wastewater treatment and iii) development of new products for the tannery sector to reduce its environmental impact and make it more attractive/competitive in the automotive, luxury and upholstery global market.